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Green Chimneys was featured in The New York Times on Sunday, March 3. “Lessons Learned, by Way of a Barn,” by Richard Schiffman, highlights several Green Chimneys students, parents and staff and illustrates how animals help children with special needs learn and grow. Read the online version of the article on The New York Times […]
Jenna Eckna, Vice President of Social Services at Green Chimneys, joined host Claire de Mèzerville-López on the Restorative Works! Podcast to share her experiences with Restorative Practice and how it’s implemented alongside Green Chimneys’ therapeutic education program and clinical support for students with special needs. Listen below or wherever you get your podcasts. Want to […]
At Green Chimneys, education extends beyond the classroom walls. Students gain academic knowledge and practical tools essential for returning to their home school districts and communities, or for independent living as they grow into young adults. When residential students arrive, staff administer a life skills assessment to establish a baseline and identify skill gaps. The […]
Farm and horticulture activities look different in the winter compared to the growing season. With snow often blanketing the ground and most plants dormant, the focus shifts to green house growing and projects that encourage patience and forward thinking. With direction from Boni-Bel Farm staff, students are transforming recycled paper into cartons that will later […]
A seed by itself is just a seed. A tiny piece of untapped potential waiting for the right conditions to grow. With the proper soil, enough water, and plentiful light, that little seed can become almost anything. A beautiful flower. A toweringly tall tree. The most delicious fruit. The potential inside a child is the […]
In 2024, Green Chimneys Wildlife Center successfully rehabilitated and released 111 birds. Alongside these, the center also cared for a few reptiles, including a Dekay’s brown snake and spring peeper frog. Birds Released Bird Releases: Notable species such as a purple gallinule (coordinated with Busch Wildlife Sanctuary for release in Jupiter, Florida), a hummingbird, a black […]
Every day at Green Chimneys, students have opportunities to build invaluable skills, and in many settings, even among the trees! As part of the specialized groups offered to residential students, Adventure Therapy aims to help youth develop skills in goal-setting, establishing trust, and regulating emotions in potentially stressful situations. Green Chimneys recreation therapists who are […]
A core strength of Green Chimneys is its therapeutic milieu, which enables a highly individualized approach to intervention aimed at fostering a student’s growth. Middle school student Luis is benefitting from Respite Therapy, a program that enhances the support outlined in his individual education and treatment plan through targeted activities to address his more specific […]
Volunteer Laurie Spens’ connection to Green Chimneys runs deep. Her journey began about 20 years ago when her sons, Ian and Collin, attended the school. A Personal Connection Struggling in class in his home district, Ian found solace and success in Green Chimneys’ nurturing nature-based environment. Animal care and hands-on projects like cooking, woodshop, and […]
Mentorship can profoundly impact both mentors and mentees, fostering personal growth, strengthening social skills, and building a sense of belonging. At Green Chimneys, learning happens both inside and outside the classroom, and mentorship reinforces skills students develop through other therapeutic programming. Younger students gain encouragement from relatable role models, while mentors hone leadership, empathy, and […]
Part of the uniqueness of Green Chimneys is its setting; a place where a single activity can bring together nature, education, skill building, and personal growth. For the members of Community Leaders, a student group focused on strengthening relationship skills through community-building activities, the opportunity to support wildlife, and also develop hard and soft skills, […]
Having your child attend a school outside of district can be daunting. All too often, families come to Green Chimneys feeling displaced from their home districts and communities, due to the challenges they have faced. “We moved so that our child could be close to the elementary school he would be going to…it was disappointing,” […]
In early May, an osprey lay on the ground in a quarry in Wingdale, NY, barely moving for an entire day. Concerned for its well-being, a nearby resident contacted a local wildlife rescuer for help. Responding swiftly, the dedicated team at Dyckman’s Wildlife Control arrived and gently picked up the distressed bird. Osprey Rehabilitation Despite […]
An important part of educating children is adaptability. It’s an ability to adjust instructional style to ensure students can focus, participate, and grasp content in order to proceed with classwork and independent assignments. Over the past year, Green Chimneys School has adopted a teaching model called Explicit Direct Instruction (EDI). EDI is an evidence-based approach […]
Part of maintaining a safe and supportive environment includes offering spaces for students to take a break, release or regulate emotions, and ultimately, prepare to return to their activities. Therapeutic support staff use these spaces throughout the day to assist students in their daily routine. Sharing a Passion for Art Clearpool campus teacher Evan Samuelson […]
A small group of students watch three horses in the riding arena. While two of the horses engage in play, the other stands alone in the corner. “What do you notice?” asks Social Worker Jess Aiello. “Do the horses look content playing together? What do they do when they need a break from playing?” Herd […]
The safe and supportive environment established for all who attend, and work at, Green Chimneys is the product of a philosophy and practice called Restorative Practice. This recognized social model promotes effective conflict management and open communication, the foundation for maintaining a psychologically safe environment. “When individuals feel an innate sense of safety with their […]
Story by Green Chimneys Wildlife Program Manager Dave Spillo It was a cloudy Monday in November, just a normal day running errands on my day off. That changed when I received a call from a man in lower Westchester about an injured bird. But not just any injured bird…it was a Purple Gallinule! I was […]
Green Chimneys Board of Directors appoints long-time member of the agency management team as Chief Executive Officer. Kristin Dionne has been announced as Chief Executive Officer of Green Chimneys. Stepping into this prominent role in the service of children and families, she is only the fourth individual in the agency’s 76-year history to lead the […]
Literacy, essential for communication and critical thinking, forms the foundation of education. At Green Chimneys, teachers develop differentiated instructional strategies for their classes and apply ability-based methods to meet each student’s abilities and academic goals. Why Integrate ELA and Art? Studying art improves comprehension of visual information but also nurtures critical thinking. Recognizing and discussing […]
Green Chimneys is honored to be Putnam County’s first New York State Historic Business. This designation on the NYS Historic Business Preservation Registry comes via the State’s Office of Parks, Recreation, and Historic Preservation. Registry nominees are businesses that have been in operation for a minimum of 50 years, and have made significant contributions to the […]
Green Chimneys’ Farm & Wildlife Center is home to over 300 domesticated farm animals and wildlife, ranging in size from the tiniest sparrow to a 2,000-pound Bactrian camel! Proper nutrition is key to keeping our animals in optimal health and happily engaged as therapy partners for our students. Dedicated staff work hard every day to […]
Green Chimneys’ therapeutic programming incorporates small group work into student support to cover an array of topics and skill-building activities. For example, activities include play therapy, mindfulness, and active discussions around maintaining healthy relationships.
This fall, Green Chimneys’ Recreation and Residential Life teams unveiled the Tom’s Trail Challenge—a health initiative designed to motivate residential students in a spirited walking competition. The challenge supports holistic health, residential community-building and, uniquely, a fitness plan for Tater Tot, a mini horse recently welcomed into the Green Chimneys equine herd. How It Works […]
In 2023, Green Chimneys’ Wildlife Center made a significant impact, rehabilitating 100 birds. It’s always our goal to return a bird to its natural habitat and this year saw a total of 75 successfully released back into the wild. Moreover, it’s an important lesson that our students learn: despite challenges, one can build skills and […]
How a family spends time together, interacts with each other, and manages problems that arise is an important part of functioning, both individually and collectively. Family dynamics can be challenging in any household and many families benefit from professional therapeutic support, which is often quite transformative.
According to Tome, “Wildlife doesn’t get enough love. Everyone likes the cute, cuddly animals because most people don’t understand birds or snakes,” says the 15-year-old Green Chimneys student. “I’m more curious about things I don’t fully understand.” Respect Hearing a student express a sentiment like this is a joy to Wildlife Teacher John Boyle, who […]
After 20 years in service as a hospital chaplain, Rev. Dr. Carole Johannsen wanted to follow a different passion in her retirement… animals. Two years ago, her search for a nonprofit organization with a variety of species brought her to Green Chimneys. Dedication Carole has become a regular presence at the farm and her steadfast […]
In a residential setting, providing the means for youth to express their needs, solve problems, and help shape their community is an important part of maintaining a socially and emotionally supportive environment. Resident Councils are recognized for the important contributions that members make when given the opportunity to speak for themselves. They provide a forum […]
Self-advocacy is a person’s ability to communicate and assert their needs. People who self-advocate are more likely to experience success at school, at work, and throughout their lives. This skill takes on more importance for students with social-emotional challenges, who often lack understanding of their own needs, struggle to communicate effectively, and may rely more […]
Meet Andrew, one our 2023 high school graduates. After watching this young man at his final Drill Team performance, you’d have never guessed he’s only been riding for a couple of years. Andrew’s coping skills brought him closer to the horses on campus, and in turn, had an amazing impact on his future. Andrew arrived […]
Green Chimneys is fortunate to have the commitment of numerous volunteers who give their time, and heart, to help meet the diverse needs of a campus serving children and animals. Longtime volunteer Al Marmor is one of these special individuals, generously giving his time since 1988. Working primarily at the Farm & Wildlife Center, Al […]
Green Chimneys students benefit from a fully integrated approach that incorporates academic, behavioral and emotional support to help each child achieve new skills and confidence. Part of this support focuses on building foundational skills that help youth develop the ability to make good choices; express themselves in effective ways; and navigate varied situations, such as […]
Curiosity and discovery are the key ingredients of the STEAM Fair, a highly anticipated annual event for Green Chimneys School students. It’s an opportunity for our middle-schoolers to take a deeper dive into a topic of their choice, and culminates in a dedicated day to present their findings to classmates, staff, and families. At our […]
This past January, a collision with a vehicle caused a significant collarbone injury to a Red-tailed Hawk. Such incidents are a common occurrence as birds of prey frequently hunt for prey along highway medians, putting themselves at risk to oncoming cars and trucks. First brought to Green Chimneys’ local veterinary partner Brewster Vet Hospital, the […]
The nature-based approach at Green Chimneys, in its simplest form, is structured to enable students to interact with nature as they learn about and become responsible for plants and animals, while discovering new personal skills. The teamwork practiced in the barns, paddocks and gardens facilitates interactions with peers outside of a classroom or dorm, and […]
Green Chimneys’ Brewster and Clearpool campuses may be separated by 13 miles but one component that connects them is a thriving Outdoor Education program led by a truly dynamic educator. Michelle Vasiloff has a passion for the outdoors and this passion is infectious to those who participate in her program. Michelle’s classes are full of […]
Green Chimneys students and staff recently bid a fond farewell to Maple, a favorite member of the horse barn. It’s never easy to say goodbye to an animal partner but knowing that they are going to a caring home and will enjoy a good life is always a comforting thought. Maple came to Green Chimneys […]
To get students engaged, Green Chimneys Outdoor Educator, Michelle Vasiloff, tells them that birding is just like playing Pokémon, and for most children, that is a great reason to go out and explore: ‘Gotta identify them all!’ Early spring birding allows us to see many of the non-migrating bird species up close and personal. […]
For children who experience sensory issues, some of whom may or may not be officially diagnosed with Autism Spectrum or Sensory Processing disorders, the school day can be a genuine challenge. Offering students outlets and opportunities to take a needed break can make all the difference. Green Chimneys’ occupational therapists and student support specialists are […]
Green Chimneys School’s annual Talent Show is a highly anticipated event for our students, as well as our recreation experts and art therapists who organize the event. With each performance, students conquer anxieties by applying developed coping skills to emotionally-packed experiences. These moments, backed by a community of trust and support, become building blocks to […]
In April of 2022, the Sam and Myra Ross Farm & Wildlife Center welcomed a rehabilitated and imprinted porcupine. Ever since, the porcupine has become quite popular on our Brewster campus as well as building quite a fan base online, too. The following are frequently asked questions (and answers!) about the prickly 18-pound mammal that […]
How children spend time after school is influential to their individual development. For youth attending Green Chimneys School and enrolled in residential treatment, the time outside of class is pertinent to receiving additional clinical support and expanding their social-emotional growth. Green Chimneys staff build a comprehensive after-school program that includes fun and recreational programming, opportunities […]
The prospect of attending a new school is challenging for any child but for a child with special needs, whether visiting for the first time or transferring from another program, it can induce deep anxiety, apprehension, and even refusal. It’s not an easy process for a family, either. When a family is first introduced to […]
Growing up in the suburbs of Tokyo, Japan, nature and animals were always been a part of Akane Yamamoto’s life. As a young adult, Akane decided to pursue an internship that would enable her to fuse her passion for the natural world with a keen interest in education. After completing an undergraduate degree in Environmental […]
In celebration of the Lunar New Year, Nature’s Nursery Farm Teacher Brandy Miller prepared a lesson for her preschool and kindergarten classes. According to the Chinese calendar, 2023 is the year of the rabbit. Knowing her students’ interest in rabbits, and one bunny in particular, this project practically created itself. In the planning process, however, […]
People come to Green Chimneys to intern from as near as Brewster, New York, and as far as Japan. What do these individuals have in common? They seek opportunities to grow personally and professionally. They apply to the Henry J. and Erna D. Leir Global Internship Program in search of avenues to expand animal care […]
A school day shouldn’t be limited just to academics. Enrichment is an important part of education, helping to engage and inspire students in new ways. Green Chimneys School, by design, offers an enriched academic environment with a vast array of programming, including life skills, music and art, therapeutic animal-assisted activities, and outdoor education, all based […]
A key element in helping youth to prepare for their future is employment-focused education that facilitates career awareness, skills development, and the ability to pursue opportunities. As part of the standards designated by New York State, Green Chimneys’ curriculum includes Career and Technical Education (CTE) and Career Development and Occupational Studies (CDOS). Both encompass learning […]
Submitted by Green Chimneys Parent Cathy P. The decision to enroll your child in a residential program is a difficult one, to say the least. It comes with anticipations, worries, stress, and even some potential regrets. My son, Luis, was not attending school and was withdrawing from other aspects of life. As a mom, I […]
When thinking of the role of the farm at Green Chimneys, images of children riding horses, petting sheep, or visiting goats may easily come to mind. But the nature-based experiences are, in truth, quite expansive. Incorporated into therapeutic education, clinical sessions, and recreation, children with special needs interact with nature and animals in a wide […]
As a child, did you ever want to stay up just a little bit later but were told to go to bed? Were you disappointed when you had to go directly home after school instead of hanging out with friends? Were you upset after your team lost a game or perhaps you received a lower […]
Green Chimneys has earned designation as an EQUUS Foundation Mentor by the renowned animal welfare charity dedicated to protecting America’s horses from peril, and strengthening the horse-human bond. The newly established Mentor accreditation is awarded annually to nonprofit organizations that operate at the highest standards, and meet EQUUS Foundation guidelines, for business and equine welfare […]
In November 2021, then 8-year-old Naomi Abrams sent a Christmas card to our staff, all the way from Snohomish, WA: Dear Green Chimneys, How’s Cricket doing? I have sponsored Cricket before and I want to again. Please can I get some more pictures? Of course, we obliged. Such a special handwritten request certainly deserved an […]
Are you looking for a unique holiday gift this season? Green Chimneys offers an assortment of gift options at a range of price points. Impress the animal lover in your life, arrange teacher gifts, or keep a couple of extra items on hand for last-minute gifts. The best part? These presents are gifts that give back. With […]
Maintaining a general sense of respect, ownership and personal responsibility for one’s environment is paramount in developing a strong community that promotes learning, growth, and positive change. Restorative Justice is a recognized social model, which serves to improve and repair relationships between people and communities. The goal is to create a system that connects the […]
The entire Green Chimneys community gathered to officially celebrate our 75th anniversary, and honor our late founders, Sam and Myra Ross. Staff and students enjoyed an animal parade, food and games, and buried a time capsule to be opened on Green Chimneys’ 150th Founders Day on October 27, 2097. A special highlight was an original […]
Green Chimneys students’ animal knowledge and handling skills were on full display for a day of presentations at Farm Showmanship Day. Following the success of the event’s first run this past spring, Green Chimneys Farm & Wildlife staff expanded the day by opening it up to the families of our students to see firsthand their […]
The Sam and Myra Ross Farm & Wildlife Center may be home to over 300 animals, but the Green Chimneys community recently bid a fond farewell to one popular tortoise. Maximus, a Sulcata Tortoise, originally came to Green Chimneys in 2016. He was 16 years old at the time and was given to us by […]
The start of a new school year brings both excitement and increased stress levels for students and parents, alike. Balancing academics, after school activities, maintaining and forging new friendships, and anything else life throws in our direction can be a recipe for an emotional meltdown. Time management is often a key to success and reducing […]
In the mid-eighties, Molly DePrekel was an animal science major at Michigan State University. During her college days, she also worked at a camp in Detroit that introduced inner city youth to the great outdoors. Molly saw firsthand how beneficial connections to nature could be for humans. It was an observation that influenced her studies […]
It is true that “many hands make light work” and when community members came together at Green Chimneys for Family Volunteer Day, much was accomplished! On Saturday, September 10th, a team of nine families came to support our educational and therapeutic programming by contributing some sturdy farm and garden work. True Team Effort in Support […]
In the presence of Green Chimneys student Cody, it is easy to appreciate his quiet and calm demeanor. Cody is not quick to initiate conversation. He is, however, an excellent listener. And all across campus, he’s known to be a horse whisperer. Before enrolling at Green Chimneys School, Cody had no prior experience with equines. […]
On a bright, blue-skied afternoon, a group of students sits quietly on a shaded patch of grass. Their hands are cupped to their ears. “These are deer ears,” explained Integrative Support Specialist Lindsay Vallovera, LMSW. Deer rely on their uniquely shaped ears and an impressive ability to hear sounds from great distances. “What happens when […]
The herd expands: llamas from a Middlesex County farm have been given to the children of Green Chimneys. Thanks to the generosity of a family based in Durham, Connecticut, llamas Sebastian and Jack are now officially part of the Sam and Myra Ross Farm & Wildlife Center. Having raised llamas for nearly 25 years, the […]
Childhood summers are at the heart of some of the very best memories and for many, summer camp is one of life’s most meaningful experiences. Recognized as one of Putnam County’s oldest camp programs, Hillside Summer Camp is marking 50 years of welcoming campers from the Brewster community and beyond for another season of fun […]
Inside the Green Chimneys riding ring an attentive audience watches as a group of mounted horses moves in a synchronized fashion. Patriotic music plays while student riders lead each transition with great focus. Soon the group moves in a circle that gets increasingly tighter. Eventually, the student riders and horses fan out, form a broad […]
The legacy of founders Dr. Samuel ‘Rollo’ Ross and his wife Myra is as alive as ever at Green Chimneys and beyond, in the wider community of human-animal services. As mentors, teachers, colleagues and friends, the Rosses were a power couple and left enduring impressions across the globe, as influencers who shaped and impacted a […]
With spring’s arrival comes the inevitable need to help injured fledglings, owlets, and ducklings. Right now the Paul C. Kupchok Wildlife Center is a bevy of activities—not only with wildlife classes and tending to permanently injured or imprinted wildlife—the Center is also humming with activity as an assortment of baby birds are being nurtured back […]
To be honest, I’m a pretty cool guy. I’m a teaching barn apprentice, I do the school morning announcements two days a week, and I’m a swimmer. If you don’t know me, I’m Markus Goss, a student who likes to keep his status neutral in the social hierarchy known as high school. But I wasn’t […]
This parent perspective is written by Cathy Bonczek. When we first visited Green Chimneys, we were a little broken. Jamie’s school experiences to date had been volatile and challenging. He was supposed to be going into third grade. Moments after we arrived on the campus, the two gentle women who would take us around the […]
Green Chimneys could never have thrived for 75 years without the help of thousands of individuals, foundations, and corporations over many years who have supported, and continue to support, the Green Chimneys mission. Newman’s Own Foundation has had a longstanding collaboration with Green Chimneys to bring support to children with special needs and their families—a […]
The Peregrine Falcon is known and admired around the world for its incredible speed, rarely surpassed by any other bird. These crow-sized falcons reach speeds of up to 180 mph in pursuit of prey. The worldwide peregrine population is more extensive than any other bird—they are found in North and South America, Eurasia, Africa, and […]
By Brandy Miller, Nature’s Nursery Farm Teacher Outside the brown shack, there’s a man with a fuzzy hat. His gloves wave us toward a large maple tree. There’s snow on the ground and smoke in the air. Under my boots, the ice crunches and the maple tree hugs a plastic bucket. Resting his hand on […]
Just before noon yesterday, students and staff met in a quiet pasture just beside the wooded Great Swamp. They gathered to witness a Bald Eagle’s release back to the wild. What made this moment truly poignant was the incorporation of a Green Chimneys School student.
Barbara first became involved with Green Chimneys in 2016, when she received an issue of The Gazette in the mail. “I was fascinated!” she says. “I support several other causes related to animals, and I knew I wanted to help. I became committed to Green Chimneys after reading about your mission to improve the lives […]
Green Chimneys starts the new year with new school leadership, welcoming Tara Cox as Principal of Green Chimneys School. There’s great new energy on campus, as new principal Tara Cox dives right into the Green Chimneys community. In partnership with a seasoned administration and education team, Cox oversees daily operation of Green Chimneys School, including […]
Witnessing a mini caravan of camels—a trio really—is not a typical sight at most schools. At Green Chimneys, however, the image is slowly growing in frequency. Though there is an uptick in sightings, the experience consistently draws awe. In October, the Sam and Myra Ross Farm & Wildlife Center welcomed the addition of a Dromedary […]
Inside the school gym, holiday music is played at a low volume. A series of tables are packed with gift items. Gift wrapping stations are spread out at the opposite end of the room. Festive décor is strewn about along with a banner announcing, “Welcome to the Holiday Bazaar.” Every year Green Chimneys’ recreation department […]
In the Clearpool campus Nature Room, a small Screech Owl and Kestrel have a new cage habitat, custom-built by students of Woodshop Teacher Tony Kimble. At Brewster campus, goats frolic on a new wooden bridge that spans a trickling stream. It’s a metaphor just waiting to be exploited: ‘building bridges’ through cooperation and combined efforts […]
Santa’s helpers come in all forms. For over two decades, Goldman Sachs has been making holidays wishes happen for Green Chimneys School students. At Green Chimneys School, we often teach our students about the importance of flexibility. When it comes to navigating another holiday season during a global pandemic, flexibility remains an important factor. For […]
For nearly a decade, The Sam and Myra Ross Institute at Green Chimneys has served to explore and disseminate scientific, scholarly, and practical information among professionals studying or working in humane education, nature-based programs, and medical and mental health fields. The Institute’s most notable event is the two-day Human-Animal Interaction Conference, and plans are well […]
What has become increasingly exceptional about Green Chimneys Raptor Athletics is that they are increasingly typical. Like every other school, we are building student athletes. Putting on a Raptors uniform inspires the pride in students that comes along with representing a team and a school, and learning to play a part in something bigger than […]
Many like to say that life is not about the destination, it’s about the journey. This is remarkably true for several youths who attended Green Chimneys, successfully returned to their home communities, and are now carving out their future paths. Dennis, Matt and Nick each arrived at Green Chimneys after experiencing social, emotional and behavioral […]
The pandemic has created new challenges and stressors for many youth and their families. Youth who have otherwise been able to handle challenges or conflict through traditional outlets now seem to struggle with what to do and how to navigate. At times, it feels necessary for youth to step away from their home and their […]
Green Chimneys is abuzz with the arrival of its newest resident: an Arabian camel named Bunni! We extend a warm welcome to Bunni, who has journeyed all the way from Texas to join the Farm & Wildlife Center. Bunni is a 9-year-old male Arabian camel, also known as a dromedary – the breed characterized by […]
“I want to make the robot,” Jake says clearly, without a specific tone or measure of insistence. The robot is a character from one of Jake’s favorite video games. The 12-year-old came to his art therapy session with a vision. He’s grown accustomed to making something during his sessions. And Jake always knows the intricate […]
When Green Chimneys initiated COVID-19 mitigation efforts across the organization last spring, our Food Services team pivoted from feeding students in the Dining Hall to packaging individual meals and delivering them to classrooms and dorms. Over time, staff enlisted the help of a few students to assist with breakfast service, and what started as a […]
In establishing Green Chimneys School for Little Folk in 1947, Founders Samuel B. “Rollo” Ross, Jr. and his wife Myra Ross understood that the foundation of education required more than just academics. For students in a residential setting, establishing confidence through varied skill-building activities was critical to setting the groundwork for strong academic and emotional […]
This intern perspective was written by Elizabeth Robertson. Throughout my life, I have always loved animals — especially dogs and horses. I have been riding horses since I was 5 years old. I competed in horse shows until high school and then turned away from competition and began more leisurely riding for fun. Since childhood, […]
During the course of the Coronavirus pandemic, Social Worker Remi Levinson welcomed a rescue dog into her life. In time and after a thorough application process with all requirements met, Gus was approved to accompany Remi to work at Green Chimneys. Each week Remi leads a social-emotional group therapy session with Green Chimneys School students, […]
Horse barn volunteer Michele Greenburg works with a 14-year-old student to groom a horse. The teenager is speaking softly to the horse as he gently brushes its coat, “Does this feel ok?” Michele asks the student to reflect, “How is this horse telling you that it feels ok with what you are doing?” Encouraging the […]
In just a few days, 18-year-old Tyler will graduate from Green Chimneys. As a high school senior, he recognizes that this is an expected milestone. He is also aware of his own mixed emotions about this big step. When asked what or who at Green Chimneys he will miss most, Tyler quickly replied, “I’ll miss […]
By Brandy Miller, Nature’s Nursery Farm Teacher The best part about working with young children is their ability to be present in the moment. Whether it’s laughing, crying, holding hands with a friend, or watching geese fly overhead, children learn through the experiences happening to them, and around them. It’s easy to overthink my job […]
A generous grant ensures continuity of services and activities for the youth who attend the Green Chimneys Community Outreach Center. Green Chimneys Community Based Services is the proud recipient of a grant from the Mother Cabrini Health Foundation, which is providing $95,000 in support of the Community Outreach Center for at-risk youth across Putnam County. […]
From its roots as a day therapy program with only five students and a handful of classroom animals, the human-animal experience at our Clearpool campus has developed into an important part of the student curriculum that incorporates a barn, garden, and nature center. A nature-based approach to education thrives at Clearpool The Clearpool farm program’s […]
If there has been a silver lining to the pandemic, it is that we have all realized what we value most in this world. Green Chimneys has always placed great value on the power of nature, and this has only been reinforced by the circumstances we live in today. When it became clear that outdoor […]
A Student Essay Sometimes when we watch the news, we hear about a bullying case, a suicide, a mental breakdown, or sexual assault, we either just shrug it off or we just say “Oh” and we go on to the next story. But let me be clear; this is something that we all need to […]
At Green Chimneys, we work with students of all different abilities and all need to plan for the future, whatever their path may be. Transition Planning is critical to helping students get on that path and ensuring that they, and their families, are well equipped. When we talk about transition, we mean moving to the […]
Over 14 months ago, as Coronavirus mitigation efforts began, Green Chimneys knew it would be vital to keep connected with those we serve. Administration moved quickly to launch online programs and services as safety protocols rolled out. Still, essential workers ensured the care of students living in the dorms and animals on our farm, as […]
Have you ever seen a Bald Eagle in real life? The sight of a Bald Eagle on the ground one day in late February was quite unexpected for one Croton Point Park visitor. Eagle sightings are not uncommon given the park’s location on the eastern bank of the Hudson River in Westchester County, New York. […]
What does it feel like to start a new school? Some of us experienced this in our own childhood. Maybe you recall what it felt like to get your first job or move to a new neighborhood. For children who come to Green Chimneys, as either day or residential students, the transition can be significant. […]
By Samantha Arevalo, Equine Program Coordinator Control. Maintaining control over our emotions. Keeping control of a classroom. When does control become a negative? How does one gain control without relying on fear? Control plays a huge role in our everyday lives, yet, sometimes control can be an illusion. Working at the farm and alongside animals will […]
Chris was an 8th grader at Mahopac Middle School when the pandemic hit last spring. His attendance was inconsistent and struggles with social isolation started to emerge. His grades were not noteworthy and there were stressors at home. Furthermore, Chris already felt disconnected from staff at school so when instruction switched to all remote, Chris […]
By Dave Spillo, Wildlife Caretaker In January 2020, the new year seemed to offer promise and excitement. Our new wildlife intern was learning fast and ready to take on her roster of students. The birds were well protected from the cold with heat lamps and wind barriers. The Paul C. Kupchok Wildlife Center was prepared […]
This intern perspective was written by Rebecca Cobban. After four years studying psychology at the University of Glasgow in my home country of Scotland, I decided to pursue a career in animal-assisted therapy, helping people through the wonderful world of animals. This is when I decided to google jobs in this field, and due to […]
Earlier this month, a juvenile Sharp-shinned hawk was released back to the wild. Originally rescued in Westchester County, the hawk appeared injured after striking a window and needed time and opportunity to rehabilitate without the threat of predators. At Green Chimneys and under expert care, it was able to rest, access food, and practice flying. […]
The partnership between the Rotary Club of Brewster and Green Chimneys is a long-standing one, with Rotary members serving as volunteers, advocates and supporters of Green Chimneys for decades. Each year, the group contributes to Green Chimneys’ Community-Based Services program for the benefit of Putnam County youth and their families. This year’s gift was designated […]
This parent perspective was provided by Irene Pizzo. The last month of school, we sat and picked out classes for our son’s senior year. It all seemed surreal. This is something we never thought we’d be doing but thanks to the dedication and support of Green Chimneys we are. Green Chimneys gave our son Dennis […]
In mid-March, when COVID-19 mitigation efforts temporarily closed in-person instruction and clinical services at Green Chimneys, teams of staff worked quickly to launch classes and clinical services online. For children with complex emotional and learning challenges well before the pandemic, staff inherently knew maintaining the continuity of care for our children and animals was critical. […]
Year-end gift to Green Chimneys will now go even farther thanks to the generous support of an anonymous corporate donor. This means all donations to Green Chimneys received by December 31, 2020 will be matched dollar-for-dollar. Why this year matters most. Green Chimneys School serves children who faced mental health and developmental challenges well before […]
From Green Chimneys Executive Director Dr. Edward Placke This has been a year like no other, and I would like to thank our entire Green Chimneys community for your support of our students, families, staff, and of course, our animals, during these highly unusual times. Following the closure in March, we all had to think like […]
The COVID-19 crisis has heightened our collective awareness about children’s mental health. But for the children and families we serve here at Green Chimneys, challenges around children’s mental health have always been at the forefront and have only been compounded during this pandemic. Thankfully, our donors understand it too. Green Chimneys is fortunate to have […]
A child’s perspective typically depends on their age, and their understanding of events going on in the world around them. When we think about helping children deal with change, we consider age and level of development to help gauge what degree of explanation and support they may need. The psychosocial implications of the pandemic have […]
Similar to our students, our animal partners come to Green Chimneys with histories of their own. In providing enrichment and optimal care, the Farm & Wildlife Center team considers each animal’s history and behaviors, health, strengths, and needs. With this awareness, they are able to individualize care, strategize programming, and ultimately, enhance services for our […]
While the COVID-19 pandemic has created substantial challenges for both Green Chimneys and the University of Denver-based research team, the portfolio of research projects has proceeded with data that had been collected concurrently with content for the recently published “Documentation of Nature-Based Programs.” The result is several qualitative studies on the perceptions of Green Chimneys […]
Looking to get a jump start on your 2020 holiday shopping? With an anticipated record-breaking number of people shopping online this year, now is the time to start planning and checking gifts off of your list. Include Green Chimneys in your celebration with one or more of these gift-giving ideas. Pick from three holiday gifts […]
As a therapeutic school rooted in nature-based practices, the seasons help keep the pace of learning at Green Chimneys. Fall provides our students with many valuable lessons and at Boni-Bel Farm & Country Store, education comes in both the hands-on and outdoor varieties. Boni-Bel Farm, just down the road from our Brewster campus, serves as […]
In the fall of 2019, Kristen Stec arrived at Green Chimneys to start an internship. Having just graduated from Saint Michael College with a bachelor’s of science in biology and a minor in chemistry, Kristen was excited to merge her scientific knowledge with hands-on work with animals. Kristen came here not as a stranger, but […]
Even during the pandemic and with students across the country learning from home, in school, and in hybrid situations, countless families documented the first day of school by snapping pictures. Photos flooded social media as proof that school had officially begun. Most often this is a celebration of children moving up a grade, but advancement […]
On a bright mid-August morning children spread across the lawn of our Clearpool Campus in Carmel, New York. Students had been summoned for an animal-related activity but they didn’t know what they were about to witness. Wildlife caretaker Dave Spillo arrived with a larger carrier cloaked in a towel, and as he set the carrier […]
In May, Green Chimneys received a call from longtime friend James Eyring, Assistant Director of the Nature Center at Pace University, regarding two newly hatched turkeys in need of a home. Our wildlife experts knew exactly how these two would live out their days. The Paul C. Kupchok Wildlife Center is one facet of the […]
In April, the Green Chimneys Wildlife Center was contacted by a woman who had found baby ducks in the parking lot of the Danbury Fair Mall in nearby Danbury, Connecticut. The ducks were only a few days old – too young to find water or food on their own. Green Chimneys provided a temporary home […]
In light of current events, it’s important that we have clarity on who we are as an agency, and the values we wish to embody. Green Chimneys’ mission to serve children relies on many things; among them is the belief in the dignity and worth of all living things. The Green Chimneys Community is one […]
On a typical workday, Green Chimneys Speech-Language Pathologist Amanda Santangelo utilizes our Brewster campus to bring therapy sessions outdoors. Collaborating with staff, Amanda, like many of our clinicians, customizes sessions with Green Chimneys School students based on their interests and therapeutic goals. The farm, gardens, and trails, provide wonderful opportunities for students to engage, make […]
Volunteers enrich the Green Chimneys culture. Each year, more than 1,000 people volunteer either as individuals or as part of group volunteer projects. Individuals volunteer in various parts of the organization, from helping to care for our animals on the farm and tending to our gardens to spending time with our students in the school […]
The life and times of COVID-19 mitigation are affecting many of the living things around us. Recent news reports highlight changes in wildlife behaviors while humans self-isolate. Media is covering stories about the increase in pet adoptions during the shutdown. And all over social media posts tell the visual tale of how dependent many of […]
Talk to any of Aidan’s peers, and they’ll say he is the nicest person they know. His social worker, Toni DeMato, agrees and also describes him as a “tentative participant,” quietly assessing a situation and then deciding how to be involved. But Aidan didn’t always have the ability to identify how his surroundings made him […]
For Green Chimneys students who attend school on our Clearpool campus, this fuzzy face is quite familiar. Ivy, a friendly Goldendoodle, belongs to Green Chimneys Summer Camps Assistant Director Stacey Damiano and became an approved campus dog in 2018. Ivy is well known by both students and campers because she seeks human interaction and has […]
For the fifth year in a row, Green Chimneys has received a grant from the Petco Foundation’s Helping Heroes in-store fundraising campaign in partnership with Merrick Pet Care. This year’s grant of $2,500 recognizes the value of Green Chimneys’ engaging Dog Interaction Program and enables us to keep it strong. Piloted in 2014, the Dog Interaction Program has become a […]
It goes without saying that the COVID-19 health crisis has and continues to be a challenging time for all of us. We’re being tasked with doing things differently. Shop differently. Parent differently. Work differently. And so on. Sometimes the bandwidth for managing all of this change can feel unsteady. For Green Chimneys School students, many […]
Last summer we learned of a Turkey Vulture with a leg injury that was being cared for at the Bronx Zoo. When its favorable recovery led experts to believe the vulture was ready for rehabilitation, the Bronx Zoo reached out to Green Chimneys. We welcomed the healing vulture with ample wildlife rehabilitation expertise and a […]
The annual Talent Show, organized by a team of recreational and art therapists, provides Green Chimneys School children who struggle with social, emotional and learning challenges, an opportunity to take the stage. Click on the image above to see photo highlights on FlickR. From vocal stylings, dance performances, and jam sessions to a though-provoking video on climate […]
How does music affect animal behavior? Which liquid will dissolve candy the fastest? How does solar power work? These are just a few of the questions answered by young scientists at Green Chimneys School’s STEAM Fair. Curious middle schoolers selected a wide range of experiments to explain – and sometimes disprove – the how and why of […]
Santa’s helpers present themselves in a variety of ways this time of year, and we are always touched by the giving spirit. For the second year in a row, the amazing staff of Pretium Partners helped spread the holiday cheer at Green Chimneys. Students merrily selected gifts for loved ones thanks to Pretium Partners. Click […]
For many, a quiet horseback ride on a wooded trail is inherently relaxing. It clears the mind, brings enjoyment of the outdoors, and provides a peaceful diversion. Now imagine your head filled with thoughts, thoughts that overlap and mount upon each other, until your mind is absolutely racing and you feel completely overwhelmed. The idea […]
With terms like “growth mindset,” “restorative justice,” and “positive behavior interventions and support” permeating schools across the country, educators continue to be dually tasked with adopting new approaches to classroom behavior management while also ensuring the growth of each individual. At Green Chimneys, and through professional development workshops, staff keep current on the issues faced […]
A 19-year career is a success by any stretch and when it has served to help children with special needs, it feels even more meaningful. In 2000, Green Chimneys welcomed 3-year-old Spadi, one of two Icelandic horses donated by then First Lady Hilary Clinton. The pair had been a state gift from the children of […]
“When I first came to campus and saw the peacocks, the farm, and the camels, I knew this was the place for me,” explains Carrie describing her first visit to Green Chimneys. With a career in software development behind her and extensive dog training and volunteer work with shelter dogs, Carrie was interested in volunteering with an […]
What did a team of wildlife experts do when they found themselves with not one, not two, but three baby owls on their hands? They treated them like siblings and began working toward their release of course! Last April a baby Great Horned owl was found in Brewster, New York. A nest had fallen and […]
At long last, we’re pleased to announce the arrival of a foal; meet Cricket! Miniature horse Maya gave birth overnight to a beautiful little girl. The female foal, also known as a filly, is already standing, nursing and napping. Fortunately, mama Maya is doing well too. All winter Green Chimneys students have been learning from—and […]
Green Chimneys School students recently participated in the Rockland Community College’s Health & Wellness Fair. The annual event has not only become a great opportunity to profile the Dog Interaction Program, but it has also consistently given our students the chance to showcase their skills and knowledge. For some students, this was their first time […]
When a bird of prey is flown in falconry, it is at its prime. Being able to catch wild quarry can only be done by the strongest and fittest bird of prey, and seeing a bird succeed in this fashion informs both the falconer and the rehabber that it’s ready to return to the wild. […]
In the midst of the bustling dining hall, 14-year-old Elijah says, “I felt ashamed.” He sits having lunch with his social worker and the director of recreation talking openly about how he felt when he first arrived at Green Chimneys three years prior. Leaving his home district of White Plains and commuting some 70 miles […]
In the fall, a pregnant eight-year-old miniature horse joined the Green Chimneys Farm & Wildlife Center. Maya was donated by local longtime friends who understood the wonderful lessons Maya would provide the children of Green Chimneys. Hover and scroll to see more photos or click on the image to see the album on Flickr. From […]
Last week, Green Chimneys Wildlife Expert Paul Kupchok received an unexpected call. A local farmer and a New York Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) officer captured an injured Bald Eagle in Dover Plains. The eagle was in need of help. The adult Bald Eagle was transported to Green Chimneys by DEC Officer Zach Crain. It […]
One year ago today, Green Chimneys Founder Samuel B. “Rollo” Ross, Jr., Ph.D., died peacefully in the home of his son in Las Vegas, Nevada. On the anniversary of his death, we pause to remember all that Rollo and wife Myra began. They dedicated seven decades to nurturing Green Chimneys, helping thousands of families and […]
When the lights went up on the Green Chimneys Talent Show last night, there couldn’t have been a more dramatic start. As Green Chimneys high school student Matt led on drums, staff and fellow student Nate followed on the bass, guitar, and keys. An intense version of Metallica’s Enter Sandman took over the gym. The […]
For the fourth year in a row, Green Chimneys has received a grant from the Petco Foundation’s Helping Heroes in-store fundraising campaign in partnership with Merrick Pet Care. This year’s grant of $2,500 recognizes the value of Green Chimneys’ engaging Dog Interaction Program and enables us to keep it strong. Piloted in 2014, the Dog Interaction Program has become a […]
Each December, for the past decade, children at Green Chimneys have waited in anticipation for the arrival of a big, beautiful, delicious treat to arrive in our dining hall from … W. R. Berkley! For ten years Green Chimneys has kicked off our holiday season with the arrival of a large, intricate gingerbread creation made […]
Santa’s helpers present themselves in a variety of ways this time of year, and we are always touched by the giving spirit. When the amazing staff of Pretium Partners reached out to Green Chimneys wanting to do something for our children, we asked if they could help us in a different way. Thanks to the […]
Green Chimneys is a proud recipient of new funding to support computer skills and activities for students with autism. The $10K grant is from nationally known autism advocacy organization Autism Speaks, through its NXT GEN Coders Program Powered by GameStop. The funds will go to the creation of an After School Coding Club for Green […]
By the age of eight, Britt had lived on several New England farms before ending up at a New Hampshire-based rescue. Having gone through so much as a young pony mule, Britt wasn’t accustomed to structure. Her herd changed with each rehoming and she didn’t know what was expected of her. She developed fears. Loud […]
Feeding children is no easy task and school menus typically reflect challenges that range from picky eaters to high food costs to kitchen staffing. School cafeterias are charged with providing healthy, balanced meals that kids will eat but finding a menu that addresses multiple objectives takes determination and know-how. Food’s Purpose for Our Students Over a […]
This month, American Pet Products Association (APPA) President and CEO Bob Vetere will assume the role of Green Chimneys Board President. Leader of the Pack Bob has not only devoted his career to animals by way of the pet products industry; he’s contributed to articulating the important and healthful ways animals enhance our lives. Through his […]
It is with sadness that we share the passing of Vivian Donnelley, a longtime donor, volunteer and dear friend of Green Chimneys. Vivian died peacefully of cancer on October 4, 2018, at her home in New York City. For over four decades, Vivian has been a part of the Green Chimneys community. As a mother […]
There are few things more graceful than a horse and rider moving as one as they seamlessly complete a well-appointed jumping course. Place it in a bucolic setting like Phoenix Horse Farm in Patterson, NY and the experience is breathtaking. Thanks to our friends and neighbors Peter Connor and Debbie McCarthy Connor of Phoenix Horse Farm […]
Holistic physician Amy Saltzman defines mindfulness as “Paying attention to your life, here and now, with kindness and curiosity.” While mindfulness seems to have become the latest trend, research with various populations tells us that regular practice can help us regulate our emotions, be happier and more productive, feel less stressed, learn better, sleep better […]
For many children with sensory sensitivities, ADHD, anxiety, or those with a diagnosed disorder such as Autism Spectrum or Sensory Processing, acclimating to the classroom environment may be challenging. To help ease the transition back to school, Green Chimneys staff has compiled a list of school-friendly sensory tools which may be helpful to your child […]
Green Chimneys School students work hard all year long so coming together for a few days of team activities and healthy competition is a great way to close out the summer session. To mark the official end of the 2017/18 school year, our students celebrated teamwork and sportsmanship with the first ever “Raptor Week.” The […]
Change is never easy but always constant. As the school year comes to an end, my 5th grade students and I take the time to reflect on our experiences, both positive and negative, over the past year. One thing we realized is this: students are motivated to be successful because of the constant support they […]
The children who come to Green Chimneys School struggle with a wide range of social-emotional issues that can seriously challenge a child’s ability to cope in certain situations. The opportunity to change the environment or sensory inputs can make a tremendous difference in how well, and how quickly, a child can recover from a difficult […]
A colorful and kind mural was recently installed at Green Chimneys thanks to our inspired students, supportive staff and a keen collaboration with fellow nonprofit Ben’s Bells. The latest Green Chimneys School initiative adopted one core theme: Be Kind. Students embraced every facet of the month-long mosaic project, from molding tiles to painting them and ultimately […]
On Tuesday, May 15, a devastating storm struck parts of New York and Connecticut. Meteorologists have confirmed two tornadoes touched down in Putnam County. As tree, electrical and emergency crews are deployed throughout the county and beyond, Green Chimneys has been working arduously to address damage sustained from last week’s extreme weather event. While damage […]
At long last, there are signs of spring blossoming throughout both Green Chimneys campuses, from budding trees to baby wildlife. Yes, that’s right, babies! Recently a wild (and perhaps wise) Mallard duck chose to nest at the Wildlife Center. Once the eggs hatched, staff hosted the mama Mallard and her eight ducklings in an enclosure so that […]
Strong is the torch that’s carried for all things royal. From fan favorites like Game of Thrones and The Crown to the highly anticipated, real-life nuptials of Meghan Markle to Prince Harry of Wales, our fascination with royalty endures. It should be no surprise, then, that the bird chosen to represent Green Chimneys’ 26th Annual […]
On a frosty winter day, student Zach and therapist Rachael meet at the chicken coop for an occupational therapy session. Bundled in a big orange coat and hefty boots, there is no muffling Zach’s excitement; it is time for another scavenger hunt on the farm and the chill doesn’t seem to touch him. As the […]
New York’s human services world has lost a truly unique educator and advocate for children and animals. Green Chimneys Founder Dr. Samuel B. Ross, Jr. died peacefully at the home of his son on February 28, 2018, at the age of 89. Known to many by his childhood nickname, “Rollo,” Dr. Ross leaves a remarkable […]
What makes our annual Talent Show so special? It’s truly an event where everyone shines – Green Chimneys School students, families, and staff. Students conquer the stage. And in that process you may find moral support in the form of a social worker turned backup singer, a youth counselor as a sidekick dancer, or a stuffed […]
Green Chimneys School students recently received a lesson from our longtime farrier, Tom Nolan. Applying what they’ve learned about horse conformation,* students saw firsthand the important role proper shoes play in equine health. Students also practiced handling tools used in hoof care as they took turns pulling shoes, filing edges, and polishing hooves. High School […]
Which foods are most susceptible to mold? What structure has the greatest stability? How does a fog chiller work? These are just a few of the questions answered by young scientists at Green Chimneys School’s Clearpool Campus Science Fair. Curious middle schoolers selected a wide range of experiments to explain – and sometimes disprove – the how […]
It’s hard to remember where and how we first learned to “behave appropriately.” Many of us can easily recall parents reminding us to use our manners. Teachers prompting us to raise our hand and wait for our turn in class. Even these basic skills are hard for a child to learn. Now imagine it is […]
“I’m useless. I can’t do anything,” cried Emmet. He had isolated himself in the bathroom again; his refuge whenever things felt to be too much. “Can you catch a ball,” asked his social worker, Tara Doran. “Yes,” he replied tentatively through the bathroom door. “What about a cartwheel?” “Of course.” “Well, those are things I […]
Green Chimneys Executive Director Ed Placke offered an educator’s perspective on best practices for students with special needs at two important forums this October: As a featured speaker, he presented “Educating Students With/Without Disabilities in Residential Care” at A Child Welfare Symposium presented by Fordham University’s Graduate School of Education in West Harrison, NY. The […]
Come November 18th, Green Chimneys will host Conquer the Forest, a 5-mile trail run through the Model Forest at the Clearpool campus in Carmel, NY. A small team of Green Chimneys students will be there to take on the challenge and high schoolers Riley and Greg can’t wait to place their toes on that starting line. They are […]
November is National Runaway Prevention Month and Green Chimneys is shining a light on the issues facing runaway youth. According to national statistics, between 1.6 and 2.8 million youth run away in a year. And youth aged 12-17 are at higher risk for homelessness than adults. If all of these young people lived in one […]
Welcome Fiona! Nearly 3 weeks ago friends from a nearby farm donated a beautiful Scottish Highland calf to Green Chimneys.
Summer is always a wonderful time in the school garden. Green Chimneys School students get to see the months of preparation and planting in horticulture class come to fruition. And better yet, they get to taste some of their hard work too! A newly introduced drip tape irrigation system has created a learning opportunity too, especially for […]
In February, Yonkers, New York residents Mario and Amy Basantes were enjoying a trip to New Orleans when the unexpected happened while watching a parade: a drunk driver careened into a group of onlookers, hitting more than 30 people. Mario was one of several seriously hurt in the accident; his injuries were extensive including fractures, […]
Upholding high industry standards in animal care and practice is an important part of the Green Chimneys culture. The Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship International (PATH Intl.) recently approved Green Chimneys’ reaccreditation as a PATH Intl. Premier Accredited Center. The in-depth reapplication process takes place every five years and includes a peer-reviewed assessment of equine-related […]
Cue “Pomp & Circumstance” and prepare yourself for a most wonderful graduation strut. In the sea of moving up ceremonies, graduations and other commemorations for humans, an unusual celebration involving furry friends has Green Chimneys feeling quite proud. Meet Shelby, a one-year-old lab mix originally from Arkansas. Shelby is also the 100th shelter dog to […]
Green Chimneys Outdoor Education staff and students plant seeds to help increase growth of the American chestnut species in the region Outdoor Education staff and students at Green Chimneys’ Clearpool Campus in Carmel, NY got their hands dirty – as they often do – with a hands-on lesson in sustainability and forestry. In April, approximately […]
Green Chimneys taught me that when you feel you are alone heading down a dark, never-ending road, it just might be leading you to the brightest most promising place you have ever been. Our family has been through so many ups and downs since Diego was diagnosed with Autism at the age of two. Though […]
To celebrate 70 years of Green Chimneys is to honor our roots. Founders Myra and Samuel B. Ross, Jr. have not only made serving children a family affair, they have relied on ingenuity and an unending pursuit of opportunities to transform a small dairy farm into a powerhouse nonprofit. From the beginning, Dr. Ross knew […]
It was a joyous and meaningful day for the entire Green Chimneys community as longtime agency head Joe Whalen officially passed the reins to Dr. Edward Placke. The ceremonial moment took place atop a wagon drawn by Belgian draft horses Bill & Bob of Rock Hill Farm in Pawling, NY and was attended by Green […]
In 1972, a young teacher joined the staff of Green Chimneys School. Energized and newly graduated from Mercy College, Joseph Whalen began his career as an educator. Within five years, Joe assumed the role of school principal and eventually earned the position of executive director in 1996. Under his leadership, Green Chimneys grew exponentially, expanding […]
For the third year in a row, Green Chimneys has received a grant from the Petco Foundation’s Helping Heroes in-store fundraising campaign in partnership with Natural Balance. This year’s increased grant of $7,500 recognizes the value of Green Chimneys’ engaging Dog Interaction Program and enables us to keep it strong. Piloted in 2014, the Dog Interaction Program has become […]
But there they were. Moms, dads, siblings. Grandparents, friends and staff. Gathered together, creating a buzz of excitement, anxiously awaiting the night’s stars to enter the auditorium. The Green Chimneys Talent Show is an annual event with a definite fan base. Led by our staff, including art and recreation therapists and child care specialists, the […]
When an injured bird has been nurtured back to health at Green Chimneys, we pause before it’s released to wish it well. It’s a tradition that repeats itself, time and again, as we bid adieu to healed wildlife, as well as Green Chimneys students and residents who are ready for the next step in their journeys. The bittersweet preparedness of […]
In November a local SPCA reached out to Green Chimneys to see if we would be able to take in a 20-year-old Conure parrot recently rescued and in need of a home. Understood to be well-socialized and friendly, our excited and experienced farm science teacher, Julia Colaccio, welcomed Otto with more than open arms. In […]
In December, during a quick stop at Patterson-based Saddle Manor, Green Chimneys staff researched equine equipment for possible purchase. As they reviewed items and discussed options, other shoppers took note and began to inquire about their work. After a friendly exchange, Green Chimneys staff went back to compiling a wish list of sorts and returned […]
It’s been nearly two years since Green Chimneys Farm Program Facilitator Cody Scott began working with student Sebastian. During most weekly sessions, they head to the Teaching Barn to help care for livestock – all part of our Learn & Earn program which builds discipline, confidence and life skills, and establishes the relationship between work […]
Green Chimneys congratulates Michael Kaufmann, Director of Farm & Wildlife and The Sam and Myra Ross Institute, as recipient of the 2016 PATH Intl. James Brady Professional Achievement Award. Kaufmann was honored at the annual conference and awards event of The Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship International (PATH Intl.), which promotes safety and optimal outcomes in equine-assisted […]
Many families take the time to verbally express their words of gratitude when gathered together to celebrate Thanksgiving. This is a wonderful tradition that can help us feel happier as we focus on all the good things in our lives. In addition, it can be useful as a speech and language activity any time. Expressing […]
Green Chimneys Farm Education Manager Miyako Kinoshita and Social Worker Shauna McWilliams are colleagues and friends. Their closeness comes in handy when tackling the unexpected, in this case, partnering with camels Sage and Phoenix in animal-assisted therapy sessions for children with special needs. With over 30 years of combined experience working with children and animals, […]
Green Chimneys is always so grateful for the gifts we receive from our friends and supporters but when those gifts are organic, sustainably produced and delicious, it’s something to talk about! Snow Hill Farms is an organic farm in the town of North Salem committed to maintaining sustainable practices throughout its operations. It’s thanks to […]
A warm welcome to Oscar; a two-year-old Vietnamese Pot Belly Pig that joined the Green Chimneys farm this past September. Oscar hails from Newport, TN where he was found elbow-deep in mud by an elderly neighbor who lived next door to the recently unoccupied farm that had been his home. The owner passed away and […]
All of our children are different and need different things as they grow and mature. As the parents of a special needs son, we understand this well. The daily challenges we face often seem insurmountable and can be exhausting; they often feel like a moving target as our children navigate through the world. We found […]
For any organization, a milestone anniversary prompts thoughtful looks back and ambitious ideas for the future. And “passing the baton” offers the opportunity for important perspectives, both old and new. As we approach Green Chimneys’ 70th Anniversary in 2017, we share some insights from our esteemed leadership: Founder Dr. Samuel B. Ross, Jr., longtime Executive […]
Among the many facets of caring for farm animals and wildlife at Green Chimneys is animal enrichment. The term is often misunderstood as devising ways to keep animals “busy.” In true practice, however, animal enrichment allows experts to assess each species’ environment and activities to consider what elements will best support natural behaviors for the […]
Crowned the best for falconry in medieval times, gyrfalcons were once reserved for kings. As the largest falcon in the world, with exquisite plumage ranging from bright white to deep charcoal, gyrs are revered for their powerful skill of flight. Their long wings make hunting waterfowl from 3,000-feet-high a feasible and fantastical feat. This falcon was flown in the sport of falconry for several years.