
A seed by itself is just a seed. A tiny piece of untapped potential waiting for the right conditions to grow. With the proper soil, enough water, and plentiful light, that little seed can become almost anything. A beautiful flower. A toweringly tall tree. The most delicious fruit. The potential inside a child is the same; it needs to be supported, fed, fostered, and celebrated. When this happens, the results can be nothing short of amazing.
Many Green Chimneys students possess remarkable artistic and expressive talents that serve as powerful forms of self-expression. Additionally, these creative pursuits often become essential outlets for processing emotions. Residential staff, who interact closely with students in their living environments, are uniquely positioned to recognize and nurture this creative potential. Their deep understanding of each child’s individuality allows them to identify hidden talents and passions, turning casual observations into opportunities for growth.
By taking an active role in encouraging these abilities, staff help transform hobbies into meaningful, confidence-building endeavors. They become mentors and cheerleaders, guiding students toward discovering the joy and fulfillment that creativity can bring. The connection formed through this support not only empowers the students to develop their talents but also strengthens the bond between staff and students, creating an environment where growth and inspiration flourish. When these seeds of creativity are given the care and encouragement they need, they bloom into extraordinary expressions of individuality and skill.
For 16-year old Jake, writing short stories and performing them with dramatic voices and sound effects is not only a passion, it is a genuine talent. His dorm staff are a loyal and responsive audience, fully engaging in each ‘show’ and the more laughter and smiles from the staff, the more Jake amps up his character voices and sounds. These moments fuel Jake, and inspire him to keep writing material. Staff take part in supporting Jake’s creativity by helping him to research storylines and providing feedback on new ideas.
Noah is a skillful self-taught artist who loves to draw and paint. This high school senior often takes inspiration from Pinterest, and has a particular interest in figures and body movement. Staff ensure there is always a stock canvasses and paints—Noah prefers acrylics as they find them easier to blend. Staff have developed a true appreciation for Noah’s expressive style, and provide great encouragement for sharing their visions.
High school senior Ezra has made a name for himself among staff and students, alike, with his craftsmanship in crocheting and woodworking. From an early age, Ezra has been producing a beautiful array of handmade hats, scarves and novelties. Staff actively support Ezra’s work with regular trips to the craft store to purchase supplies, offering ideas for new creations, and serving as some of his top customers when Ezra sells his goods at special events.
Learn more about Green Chimneys’ residential treatment program
Crowned the best for falconry in medieval times, gyrfalcons were once reserved for kings. As the largest falcon in the world, with exquisite plumage ranging from bright white to deep charcoal, gyrs are revered for their powerful skill of flight. Their long wings make hunting waterfowl from 3,000-feet-high a feasible and fantastical feat. This falcon was flown in the sport of falconry for several years.