
In 2023, Green Chimneys’ Wildlife Center made a significant impact, rehabilitating 100 birds. It’s always our goal to return a bird to its natural habitat and this year saw a total of 75 successfully released back into the wild. Moreover, it’s an important lesson that our students learn: despite challenges, one can build skills and strength, and move on to an independent life.
One remarkable rescue involved Bald Eagle caught in an illegal coyote trap. Despite losing a fair amount of blood, the bird made its way into the yard of a good Samaritan, who contacted Dyckman’s Wildlife Control. After the group successfully rescued the eagle from the trap, they brought the bird to Green Chimneys. As a result of our expert rehabilitator and veterinary care, we released the eagle after a few weeks of recovery.
This year featured a Peregrine Falcon rescue aided by Paul Kupchok, who previously served as Green Chimneys’ wildlife rehabilitator for over 25 years. We partnered with the Bronx Zoo to rehabilitate a rescued Egret, and with Animal Nation, who brought Yellow Crown Night Herons to us after their nests were destroyed in New Rochelle. Each of these birds had time to heal at Green Chimneys and were released.
Our specially built songbird flight cage hosted 29 birds. These smaller species included cardinals, flickers, woodpeckers, starlings, sparrows, mourning doves, cedar waxwings, kestrels, orioles, woodcocks, and more.
Ongoing rehab cases, such as a Merlin Falcon and a Purple Gallinule, demonstrate the Wildlife Center’s ability to aid a wide variety of various species. For instance, Merlin Falcons commonly migrate through New York, but Purple Gallinule are a primarily tropical bird, native to Florida and South America.
Ultimately, our goal is to release animals back to their native habitat. However, some with permanent disabilities are placed with appropriate organizations. Others stay at Green Chimneys and offer unique learning experiences for children and staff. This year, six birds, including a Great Blue Heron, Kestrel, Red-shouldered Hawk, and three Red-tailed Hawks, remained in our program.
The Green Chimneys Wildlife Center features an education center, animal triage care area, large display and flight cages, woodland paths and naturalistic habitats. Our wildlife residents include local and exotic breeds, including an Andean condor; numerous hawks, falcons, and owls; several crows; and a permanently disabled bald eagle. Furthermore, Green Chimneys is licensed by the Department of Environmental Conservation and the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, and USDA.
For more information about wildlife rehabilitation and education at Green Chimneys, please visit
Crowned the best for falconry in medieval times, gyrfalcons were once reserved for kings. As the largest falcon in the world, with exquisite plumage ranging from bright white to deep charcoal, gyrs are revered for their powerful skill of flight. Their long wings make hunting waterfowl from 3,000-feet-high a feasible and fantastical feat. This falcon was flown in the sport of falconry for several years.