Teen & Family Crisis Support
It’s OK to need help.
Free, confidential services for youth and families.
- Youth & Family Counseling
- Crisis Support
- Youth Shelter
From immediate crisis services to ongoing support, Green Chimneys’ Community-Based Services provides comprehensive programs for at-risk youth, including a youth shelter, counseling/intervention services, and a community drop-in program.
Arbor House Youth Shelter
Short-term supportive housing for youth ages 12-17 who have run away, been displaced from their home, are homeless, or who cannot remain in their home environment. Call our Crisis Line at 845.279.2588 or text to 845.661.9749
Transitional Living Program
Long-term supportive housing for youth ages 16-20 to teach life skills and facilitate successful transition to independence. Call our Life Skills Coordinator at 845.279.2995, ext.163
Safe Harbour
Services to identify youth who are at risk of victimization and provide necessary therapeutic support. For referrals, call our Crisis Line at 845.279.2588
Community Outreach Center
Drop-in center for youth ages 10-20 offering therapeutic recreation, psychoeducation groups, and other supportive programming. Find out about Outreach Center activities and schedules
Unsure where to begin?
Call our 24-hour hotline, and we’ll help initiate the first steps.
About Green Chimneys’ Community Based Services
Our services are inherently preventive in nature and designed to keep children in their community and with their families. Our experienced staff work closely with youth and families to provide individualized services, skill-building tools, and resources to support positive individual and familial development, self-reliance, and healthy communication.
From fun and constructive activity programs at the Community Outreach Center to Arbor House youth shelter to connecting families with necessary resources for their children, Green Chimneys offers a wide range of support services for all ages up 21 years old. The goal of Green Chimneys’ community-based programs is to reunite families, encourage conflict resolution and help strengthen family communication and optimal functioning through comprehensive prevention and intervention services.