Mental Health Rehabilitation for NYS Youth

Green Chimneys partners with the New York State Children’s Mental Health Rehabilitation Services Program to provide therapeutic treatment to youth served under New York State Children’s Medicaid.

Whole-Family Mental Health Support

The Children’s Mental Health Rehabilitation Program is designed to give children/youth up to age 21 and their families the power to improve their health, well-being and quality of life. Green Chimneys Community-Based Services is a licensed provider of these services to strengthen families and help them make informed decisions about their care. Services are provided at home or in the community.

Therapeutic Support

Other Licensed Practitioner

  • Get assessments for mental health and/or substance use needs
  • Identify strengths and abilities through individual and group therapies
  • Receive individual, group or family therapy where you are most comfortable

Rehabilitation Services

Psychosocial Rehabilitation and Community Psychiatric Supports & Treatment

  • Incorporate therapy goals into everyday life and additional support in managing medication
  • Build relationships and communicate better with family, friends and others
  • Learn self-care, and use coping skills to manage emotions.

A Unique Nature-Based Approach

Caseworkers integrate Green Chimneys’ nature settings and animal partners to individualize and enhance client treatment plans for the best outcomes:

  • Incorporation of therapy animals, in or outside of an office environment
  • Access to Green Chimneys’ Farm & Wildlife Center
  • Nature-based interventions including animal interaction, gardening, and outdoor exploration


New York State Children’s Mental Health Rehabilitation Services are available to youth served under NYS Medicaid. If you do not currently have Medicaid, we can help you apply.

Learn more about the Children’s Mental Health Rehabilitation Program from your healthcare provider, Health Homes care manager/coordinator, or Medicaid Managed Care Plan.