
We value our families and encourage parents to participate in their child’s experience at Green Chimneys as much as possible to support treatment planning, and to take advantage of fun and informative opportunities throughout the year.
You and your family are invited to school and public events to enhance your experience as members of the Green Chimneys community. Stay up-to-date on news about the school and the entire organization with the Green Chimneys Gazette, issued twice a year, and monthly e-news. And make sure you are signed up with the Green Chimneys School Administration to receive all school communications and direct announcements.
As parents, you are a key part of each child’s academic and treatment program and can be the greatest advocates for your child at Green Chimneys, and beyond. Satisfaction Surveys are sent at various points during the school year. This ongoing tool assists administrators with program planning and offers parents and guardians an opportunity to participate.
Ongoing trainings and support groups for parents to share practical information and newer thinking on topics critical to your child’s success. Facilitators focus on skill-building and strengthening communication, offering indispensable tools and tips to apply in any home or school environment.
Live online workshops designed to help parents and caregivers expand their repertoire of skills to manage their child’s emotional and behavioral challenges, and take care of themselves in the process. Sessions combine our Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) curriculum with that of Therapeutic Crisis Intervention (TCI) in order to provide both skills in-the-moment and skills to help effect real long-term change.
A monthly meeting facilitated by Green Chimneys clinicians. All parents and caregivers are welcome to attend anytime and no need to RSVP. If the group becomes large, facilitators will move smaller groups of parents into virtual breakout rooms.
Learn more about Parent Training & Support Groups
School Open House to become familiar with the programs a child participates in as part of the school schedule.
Parent/Teacher Conferences are an opportunity to meet the classroom teacher and discuss the child’s progress in school.
Annual Parent Retreat is held during the first weekend in November at the Green Chimneys Clearpool Campus in Carmel, NY. It offers a full array of informational seminars, fun activities, and networking with other parents, and includes meals and overnight accommodations.
Families are invited to be part of the 4H audience twice during these months: Our annual 4H Public Speaking event gives students an opportunity to demonstrate their learned public speaking skills by presenting a project about a researched topic.
Birds of Prey Day is held on the Brewster campus in early June where area falconers bring their birds for show and demonstrations, along with other outdoor marvels and vendors.
A Family Picnic is hosted at our Clearpool campus for all families and includes BBQ, canoeing, fishing, swimming, hiking, and relaxing under the shady willow trees. Our annual Alumni Day brings former students and staff back to campus to reconnect and spend a fun-filled day.
Crowned the best for falconry in medieval times, gyrfalcons were once reserved for kings. As the largest falcon in the world, with exquisite plumage ranging from bright white to deep charcoal, gyrs are revered for their powerful skill of flight. Their long wings make hunting waterfowl from 3,000-feet-high a feasible and fantastical feat. This falcon was flown in the sport of falconry for several years.